
Our students thrive in a culture where differences are honored and religious diversity is accepted and celebrated. At FXW, we believe that the highest quality education is only possible in a community that welcomes all. Children will be better prepared for the world when they have spent their critical early years learning and growing in a diverse community of peers. As a keystone of our community and a commitment to our mission statement, FXW provides need-based scholarships to 30 percent of our students.

Tuition and Fees for the 2024-2025 Academic Year

Please click here for our full pricing for tuition and other fees.

Extended Day Program

  • HNC Campus (Grade 4-8) daily rate – $32
  • OSP Campus (K-Grade 3) daily rate – $34
  • Preschool daily rate – $37

Please see our Extended Day page for the most updated information. Click Here.

Intercampus Bus Transportation Fees

Intercampus bus fee is charged per day. Total fees are approximately $1400 annually per route for 2024 – 2025.

Lunch Program

Our lunch service menu is provided by HandCut Foods a week in advance for purchases by day which are then delivered to each classroom. The cost of this service is determined by HandCut Foods.

Financial Aid

In addition to our partnerships with local scholarship organizations, civic leaders and FXW school parents established the Children at the Crossroads Foundation in 1990 with the mission of raising funds to give every child the opportunity to attend The Frances Xavier Warde School.
Parents of students receiving assistance are required to support a portion of their child’s tuition. Families must re-apply each year and information regarding children who receive financial aid is kept confidential.
Each academic year, returning families are given priority consideration for financial aid. For more information regarding the scholarship process, please contact Sue Smeaton, Director of Admissions and Financial Aid.

Click here to request more information about affording FXW.