With Mission in Mind⁠—September 20, 2020

In with the New

Our School is a model of educational excellence and core values in a society in search of both. We are a community that cares deeply about its students within a structure of understood expectations. We pride ourselves on attracting and retaining a talented and innovative faculty, capable of developing citizens who think freely and care about the greater good. And we are intentional about attracting students who ultimately desire to mine their inherent value for all its worth.

Now more than ever it is critical that we invite you into our virtual walls to meet our new faculty and staff so you truly understand who is invested alongside you in this journey towards high school—the next frontier. One of this year’s new hires, Sydney Davis, reflects upon her still very fresh experience at The Frances Xavier Warde School. Meet the rest of our talented faculty here.

“It has been three weeks now since starting my position at FXW. I will admit, I was a little nervous at first because I had heard about the tight-knit family culture of the students, parents and staff, which is partially what appealed to me when applying for a position. A community at work that is striving for the same goals, has great communication, and possesses a passion for the community in which they teach and learn is one that I have not yet had the chance to experience since I began my career in teaching.

On my first day with faculty and staff, it was very clear that everyone plays a crucial part in making the FXW train run, especially during these uncertain times. The transparency of information and willingness to help has been consistent since day one. Not only have I been learning about the FXW family, culture and education, but also feel that FXW has been learning more about me and how my skills and experiences will best fit within the mission of the school.

I know it has been a long and arduous process to prepare for this school year; the protocols, supplies, technology, information and training seems like a mountain that some may not be willing to climb. But FXW truly shows that they are more than willing to climb that mountain and make the best of the situation because of a passion for education, learning and community while doing so safely. I am really looking forward to this school year because during these difficult times, the FXW community has taken the time to address, educate, and encourage discussions to support the future change-makers we serve here at FXW.” –Sydney Davis


—Kendall Mallette, Director of Mission Integration

Community Prayer

Dios Padre y Madre, nos muestras tu amor en la vida y sabiduría de Jesús. Enséñanos a seguirte en tu solidaridad con los más pobres y marginados de este mundo.

En solidaridad con quienes sufren por las injusticias.

Respetando la dignidad de todo ser humano y de toda la creación.

En su llamado a compartir recursos con los más necesitados.
En tu amor por todas las personas sin condiciones.

Escuchamos tu llamado a ser tus discípulos.

Estamos comprometidos a servirle siguiendo el ejemplo de su vida
Nos comprometemos a confrontar honestamente nuestro egoísmo.
Nos comprometemos a negarnos a nosotros mismos, a tomar la cruz y seguirte.
Nos comprometemos a ser guiados por tu Espíritu para dar testimonio de tu Reino de justicia y vida.


Por Cindy Moraga-Selva

God the Father and Mother, you show us your love in the life and wisdom of Jesus. Teach us to follow you in your solidarity with the poorest and most marginalized in this world.

In solidarity with those who suffer because of injustices

In respect for the dignity of every human being and of all creation.

In your calling to share resources with those most in need.
In your love for all people without conditions.

We hear your call to be your disciples.

We are committed to serving you by following the example of your life.
We commit ourselves to honestly confronting our selfishness.
We commit ourselves to deny ourselves, to take the cross and follow you.
We commit ourselves to be guided by your Spirit to bear witness to your Kingdom of righteousness and life.


By Cindy Moraga-Selva